Equality and Diversity

No one should ever have to face inequality, including at the end of their life...

Here at The Myton Hospices, we are firmly committed to promoting inclusion and actively seek to eliminate discrimination based on gender, age, disability, race, religion, sexuality or social status.

We understand that no two people are the same – that’s why we aim to deliver accessible, individualised experiences, in a way that respects the physical, spiritual and psychological needs of each person and their loved ones.

Our ambition is to reach out to every person in Coventry and Warwickshire who might need us. We know that not everybody will want our help, but we want to ensure that everyone knows what we do and what is available to them, just in case….

We celebrate and welcome people no matter who they are, however we understand more needs to be done. Respect, value and professionalism are three of our Myton values; that’s why we’re embarking on a journey to better understand how we can value and respect the communities we serve.

Our recently founded Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Steering Group is helping to prioritise this project, working closely with our newly appointed EDI Officer -

We have some goals for the next 2 years, including –

  • To listen to the experiences of our community, volunteers and employees and learn more about what they need from us and what is important to them from the point of diagnosis with a terminal illness to end of life
  • To reach and support more people from diverse backgrounds
  • To eliminate the barriers preventing people from accessing our care
  • To diversify our staff and volunteer profile and recruit more inclusively
  • To deliver the most culturally competent service possible, through recruitment and training
  • To reach and support communities affected by homelessness