We provide planned short-term, temporary care to people aged 18 years or over with progressive, life limiting illnesses who wish to give their unpaid carers or families a rest from caring. This is known as ‘respite care’.
We provide an opportunity for a planned respite stay of 1 week, with a maximum of 2 weeks respite per year.
This is provided free of charge at our Warwick Myton Hospice, where there are two dedicated respite beds.
You need to be registered with a GP in Coventry or Warwickshire and being cared for by family or friends at home (this can be in addition to a funded care package).
Both the patient and the carer must agree the need for respite and you need to be able to make your own travel arrangements to and from the hospice, either through your GP, specialist nurse, district nurse or arrangements made yourself.
The two respite beds are in a double room so admissions will be planned to comply with same sex room accommodation. One of our team will meet with you prior to admission to assess your needs and we have an activity co-ordinator to support you with a range of activities depending on your interests. We have communal areas and beautiful grounds for you to enjoy.
How to refer...
You, your carer, friends, family or a healthcare professional can make a referral via our online referral form here.