Our Vision, Mission and Values

At The Myton Hospices the needs of our patients and their families always come first. Learn more about our vision, mission, priorities and plans for the future.

Our Vision...

The Myton Hospices believe everyone in Coventry and Warwickshire should live well towards the end of their life and have the right to a good, natural death, the way they want it to be, where they want it to be and with their loved ones supported.

Our Mission...

The Myton team provide high quality, specialist care to people whose condition no longer responds to curative treatment, from diagnosis to death. We aim to meet their physical, psychological, spiritual and social needs and ensure their families are supported both through and after this difficult time. We are also committed to training, supporting and encouraging other care providers to practise good palliative care.

Our Values...

Our Values provide the foundations of a culture at Myton based on shared beliefs and understanding between all of the people that work, volunteer or provide support for us and we believe they enable us to embed the behaviours we aspire to within our organisation. They are:

RESPECT and dignity for all

VALUE every individual and ourselves

ONE MYTON, One Team, One Goal – delivering holistic care


Getting these four things right is absolutely crucial to the future of our hospice .We already do them well but we could do them even better.

Ruth Freeman, Chief Executive

The Myton Hospices - Ruth Freeman