At Myton we focus on enhancing life when cure is no longer an option; supporting people living with a wide range of terminal illnesses, and their families, from the point of diagnosis to end of life.
Both our Inpatient Units are open; please call our referrals team on 01926 838889 to make a referral over the phone, alternatively you can use our online referral form.
Please support our urgent appeal to raise £240,000 which could fund the recruitment, training and salary for five registered nurses for a year, to ensure more people in Coventry and Warwickshire can access a Hospice Bed.
From the madness of Delhi, travel off the beaten path, to the beauty and tranquillity of the Indian Himalaya...
We need over 1,000 volunteers to ensure we can continue to provide our services free of charge to patients and their families when they need us most, now and in the future.
We have hospices in Coventry, Rugby and Warwick and specialist nursing teams that care for people in their own homes.
Coventry Myton Hospice
Myton Hospice, Warwick and Coventry, 16 - 18 May 2011