As part of our second annual Health and Wellbeing Week a variety of activities from mindfulness sessions and sports massages to yoga classes and health walks were on offer for staff and volunteers to take part in. Stop Smoking clinics, mental health masterclasses and health checks were also held across all three hospices, as well as pampering in the form of a mobile spa and gel nails.
When was Health and Wellbeing week...
The week was launched on Monday 16th October, which was also national Restart a Heart Day! To mark the day, Mayor of Warwick Stephen Cross visited our Warwick Myton Hospice to officially unveil a new defibrillator which has been generously donated by Evelyn’s Gift and Warwickshire Hearts. The Mayor then joined a ‘Save a Life’ session led by Tim Morris from Warwickshire Hearts where he and Myton colleagues were taught CPR and how to use a defibrillator.
What Myton wants...
At Myton, we want our staff and volunteers to be able to provide the very best care and support for patients and their families, and promoting health and wellbeing for all is a vital part of this.
We want to say thank you to...
- Sainsbury’s Saltisford for donating water
- Freshest Greengrocers for donating fruit
- Caroline Jones from Zen Ten Spa
- Myton hairdresser Ann Sayce
- The Warwickshire Hearts and Evelyn’s Gift
- Our complementary therapy lead Jerry Lennon
- Beauty therapist Jenny Hart
- Dan White from Rehab Fitness UK and Moat House Gym
- Sarah Stallard from Slimming World
- Gary Wythe from Unleashed Cycles
- Sumera Hussain from the Stop Smoking Clinic
- The Myton Health and Wellbeing group
- Occupational health
- HR & learning and development
- Leon Dundas from our Chaplaincy team
- David Beeney for the mental health masterclass
- Yasin Jussab from Co-op Pharmacy
- Prit Parekh from Coventry Hilton Living Well Gym
- Bally Dhugga from Coventry City Council
- Patricia Evans for the NHS health checks
- Trisha Quinn for her fitness class
- Dr Gemma Jones for the beginners yoga
- Taruna Chauhan and Karen Handley from Dementia Awareness
And anyone else who helped to make the workshops and activities possible, as well as all the Myton staff and volunteers who took part.
Feeling motivated?
Why not sign up to one of our fantastic events by clicking here.