Overseeing the management and growth of a local charity is one of the reasons why Graham Nicoll decided to apply to be a trustee at The Myton Hospices.
With more than 20 years of experience in senior leadership and consultancy, Graham brings a wealth of skills and expertise to the Board of Trustees, helping Myton to implement and deliver its strategy and supporting the senior leadership team to achieve the organisational objectives. The Board of Trustees retain overall legal responsibility for the charity and Graham therefore works alongside other highly experienced directors to act as a custodian for the organisation.
Graham’s professional career began at the age of 19 when he built, grew and eventually sold Grazies Ltd, a company that set up and ran health and wellbeing facilities in company premises including BT, EON and American Express. Since selling Grazies Ltd in 2002, Graham has assumed a range of senior leadership and consultancy roles from Global Head of Business Development for Barclays Wealth to his current position in Enterprise Advisory with KPMG.
Graham originally joined Myton as a Non-Executive Director of the Trading Company in July 2012, overseeing the lottery and retail operations, before becoming a trustee in September 2014. Although Graham had no connection to Myton before applying for the role, following his personal experience at a hospice in Glasgow where his grandma was cared for, Graham understood the importance of hospice care in the local community and wanted to play an active role in ensuring that these valuable services were available for future generations.
Graham is 39 years old and lives in Leamington Spa with his wife and two sons. Outside work, Graham coaches and supports his son’s under 12s football team at Leamington Juniors Football Club.
Like Graham, do you feel you have skills or experience that could help Myton in the future?
We are currently looking to recruit trustees with proven and relevant experience in one or more of the following disciplines: palliative medicine, law, accountancy, retail, property and human resources management.
When asked to describe what the role entails, Chairman, Noel Hunter, said, ‘Charities today, more than ever, play a key role in society. The Myton Hospices is our local charity and has been playing a vital role in our local communities for almost 35 years, providing palliative care to our patients and support for their families. We have over 1000 volunteers who provide essential support to our highly skilled professional teams. Our very experienced Board of Trustees is made up of twelve such volunteers who bring an extensive range of skills to help us manage a very complex organisation, an £11 million budget, the three hospices and the Myton at Home team which all serve Coventry and Warwickshire. Our number one priority is always to ensure exemplary patient care. Being part of our team brings its own rewards through the opportunity to ensure the continued development of this much valued local institution. If you think you have skills that can contribute to our success I encourage you to apply.’
Graham adds, ‘Myton, like hospices across the country, provides invaluable support to patients and their families as they near the end of their lives. I am proud to be able to work with such a fantastic team at Myton, who provide amazing care in often very difficult situations. Being a trustee is a real privilege as well as a great responsibility.’
These roles are voluntary and anyone
who wishes to apply is welcome to send a covering letter with an
expression of interest together with their CV to: Mr Noel Hunter OBE, Chairman, The Myton Hospices, Myton Lane, Warwick or by email to Ruth Freeman, Chief Executive at ruth.freeman@mytonhospice.org.
Applications should reach us by Monday 5th September and interviews will take place on Monday 19th September