45-year-old, Stacey, hopes to create lasting memories with The Myton Hospices

Stacey Woolerton was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2017, which has now spread to her liver.


Stacey was admitted to Warwick Myton Hospice Inpatient Unit at the end of July 2023, after she was suffering with chemotherapy side effects.


Stacey said:

I had to start a new chemotherapy. I’m used to the side effects, I know what they can be and what to look out for.

At first, everything seemed okay, but soon the fatigue kicked in and I lost my appetite.

I was heading to bed and I fell, which led to being sick and I was throwing up blood, which is a known side effect.

The next morning, I was shivering uncontrollably and couldn’t speak.

This frightening episode landed Stacey in hospital. It was there that she was diagnosed with sepsis and laryngitis, prompting her transfer to Warwick Myton Hospice for pain management and symptom control.


Stacey added:

I already feel like a different person. As soon as I was wheeled in my nerves settled.

They explained everything to me and made me feel as comfortable as possible.

They made me a cup of tea, unpacked my bags and we had a chat.

The incredible facilities and compassionate staff helped me transition from merely existing to truly living again.

My first thought waking up for the first time at Myton was: ‘Lovely, today is going to be a good day’.

Myton is absolutely incredible. I’m allowed and encouraged to do the things that are important to me.

I am having my girlfriends visit to have a pamper night, and I’m going to surprise them by ordering us pizzas!

This supporting environment allows me to feel like me again.

During her stay at Myton, our Activities Coordinator, Calley, recognised Stacey’s desire to create lasting memories for her 10-year-old son, Keegan.


Since being at Myton, I can carry on with my plans to create memories with Keegan.

I’m not going to stop being the best mum I can be.

Though it is hard, and sometimes I have to tell him I’m not feeling up to the activities we have planned.

I know he understands and takes it well, but it doesn’t stop the guilt.

Inspired by this desire, they embarked on a journey to build a memory box, suitably named 'Mum and Keegan's Adventures’, serving as a tangible record of all the special moments they share together.

The Myton Hospices - Stacey and Keegan's memory box

We’re looking for the little things. Keegan found some pine cones in the Myton garden which we’ve put in the box.

Even if it’s a silly little drawing we drew together, those are the things that mean the most!

We’ll take the box on days out to see what we can gather and we would love to come back to Myton each month and have a walk around to see what we can find to add to the box.

One day, we can look back and remember the hard times where we were still able to laugh and love each other.

Stacey stayed at Myton for 2 weeks, and then she returned home.


Stacey added:

Knowing I have access to counselling or complementary therapy with Myton to allow my body to fully relax and rest is incredible.

I’m able to sleep at Myton, which is something I’ve always struggled with. It’s so peaceful and tranquil, which differs from hospital.

Being able to hear Keegan laugh in the corridors and do the things we would usually do at home is amazing.

It’s these things that help the road to recovery.

If something should ever happen to me, I know my partner, parents and Keegan will be very well looked after.

Myton means new beginnings.

The beginning of an unexpected but new journey.

There will be bumps along the way, but they are good bumps.

We’ll rise above them and learn to grab the next stepping stone.

With Myton, I’ll have the supportive push to get to the next one.

Stacey returned to Warwick Myton Hospice in September where she sadly died after receiving end of life care. Whilst, here one final wish was to have her very own Mad Hatter's Tea Party.


Stacey, had been a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland ever since her aunt gave her the Complete Illustrated Work of Lewis Carol in 1989. To say she was obsessed ever since would have been an understatement!


One of Stacey’s best friends Millie and her daughter Leela helped to organise something truly incredible for Stacey.


Enchanted Tea Room brought along Alice, Mad Hatter and even the Cheshire Cat to see Stacey and complete her final wish. 


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