Thank you to everyone who took part in this year’s Santa Dash, raising a record-breaking tree-mendous amount for The Myton Hospices!

Dressed head to mistle-toe in festive attire, we were joined by 1000 Santas and Elves who helped raise vital funds for The Myton Hospices.

This year’s Santa Dash faced an unexpected challenge when it was postponed for a week due to severe weather conditions. We are deeply grateful for everyone’s understanding.


Thank you to those who stepped in last minute to help, and we sincerely apologise to anyone who was unable to attend the rescheduled date. Your support means the world to us!


The 5km route through Victoria Park saw a sea of Santas and Elves – there was no escaping the festive cheer!

Santa Dash 2024 (1)-min

We are amazed by the support shown for this year’s Santa Dash. An amazing £57,021.72 was raised, all thanks to you!


Take a look at the snaps below to see if you can spot yours-elf!

See all photos


Natalie Walker, Events and Campaigns Manager at The Myton Hospices, said:

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our record-breaking Santa Dash to celebrate the festive season and support your local hospice. The amount raised could fund our Warwick Myton Inpatient Unit for a week this Christmas. Thank you so much to each and every one of you. You are all stars and we think you belong on top of the Christmas tree!

Thank you to all the mini Santas for taking part in the Mini Dash, we hope you enjoyed receiving your medal!


Congratulations to all the deserving winners of the Best Dressed Dog Competition – a highlight of the day for many! Thank you to K9 for supporting us and Happy Howl-idays to all our furry friends.

The Myton Hospices - Santa Dash 2024

Of course, we couldn’t pull off such an incredible event without the support of our happy helpers…


Thank you to all our volunteers and to our marshals for guiding our dashers on their merry way – you are all fabulous!


A special thanks to our photographers, Con and Viv.


The atmosphere was so lovely, thanks to the wonderful performances by Royal Brass Band. A big thank you also goes to our wonderful MC, Andrew, and Lea from ZwithLea Zumba for her great warm up.


A big thank you to Kenilworth Rotary Club and Rugby Round Table for all of their incredible support in helping us have Santa and his sleigh at our Santa Dash event!

The Myton Hospices - Santa Dash 2024

A special thank you to Warwick District Council for making our event possible.


Also a huge thanks to Mayor Cllr Judith Clarke for joining us on the day, it was very special to have you with us.


We’d like to say thank you to Amazon and Co-op for providing the refreshments – they were thoroughly enjoyed – and to TSP Car and Van Hire for providing a free van to help with the event.


And last, but by no means least, thank you to our great friends at Dennis Eagle for sponsoring the event – we couldn’t do it without you!


Thank you so much to everyone who made this event such a success. You are definitely on the nice list!


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