And not many require more bravery than abseiling down the side of Coventry Cathedral. But, every year, dozens of intrepid supporters do just that ...
helping raise thousands of pounds to enable Myton to continue to provide its services, free of charge, to people across Coventry and Warwickshire with a terminal illness.
Joining the daredevil abseilers for the latest Myton Abseil was the High Sherriff of Warwickshire, Min Willoughby de Broke.

Min is a keen supporter of Myton, having completed our ...
Cycle Challenge and the Abseil in recent months, and helping raise much-needed funds and awareness along the way thanks to her position as High Sherriff. She also has a long family tradition of involvement with the Hospice as her mum Felicity Butler, now 89, spent many years volunteering for us.
She said:
The Myton Hospices is the most incredible institution doing the most incredible work to support patients and families when they need it most.
I am amazed by the love, time and commitment the nurses give to each and every patient and their loved ones and am delighted to be able to fundraise for Myton and help raise awareness of the work they do. I hope my efforts will inspire others to take on a challenge or sign up to an event too.
As for the Abseil itself – why did Min sign up and was it everything she expected?
She added:
I’d never done an abseil before, so when I saw it in the Myton calendar I knew I had to do it.
The thought of doing an abseil is absolutely terrifying and without a good cause I wouldn't do it, so I faced up to my fears by taking on the challenge and raising money to support the fantastic work of the wonderful The Myton Hospices. It’s an extraordinary thing to do and although I was looking forward to it, it was a little scary – especially when I first arrived and looked up at where we would be descending from – it looked much higher than I had imagined. But there was no question of me backing out and once I got up on the roof it was just amazing – especially the fantastic view on what was a beautiful sunny day.
Min added that she was hugely impressed by the professionalism of the team running the Abseil for Myton, ensuring everything runs like clockwork and with safety and enjoyment of paramount importance.

She said:
They were fantastic from beginning to end!
So professional and reassuring, which made the whole occasion so enjoyable and I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone – it really is a special thing to have done and for a very special charity.
If you have been inspired by Min and our fabulous Abseilers and ...
would like to sign-up to one of the many other fantastic events and challenges we have on offer, just click here to find out more and start your fundraising journey.