There are so many ways you can show your support for The Myton Hospices! And as this week is Hospice Care Week, why not show your support in one of the following ways…



We urgently need volunteers to help in our 25 shops across Coventry and Warwickshire. Unfortunately, lots of our volunteers have been unable to return post lockdown and we need some extra support. Our shops fund the care of 1 in 4 patients and we can’t run them without volunteers!


If you can help by donating some time, even in the short-term, please find out more here.



Donate money or goods

It costs us over £12 million to continue providing our services, free of charge. And we need to raise £9.2 million of that ourselves – it’s a huge amount and the generous donations people make to Myton are invaluable, now more than ever!


If you can support us financially it would really make a big difference, but not all donations need to me monetary! Our shops are always in need of good quality items to sell.


So whether you’re having a clear out of your wardrobe, getting rid of DVDs and books, or have some furniture you no longer need or want, why not donate them to Myton?


To make a one-off monetary donation, or to set up a regular donation, click here.


And to find out about how to donate to our shops, click here.



We can’t hold big events like normal at the moment, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of ways for you to fundraise!


The Myton Hospices - Glow for Myton at Home


There are plenty of virtual events to pick from – whether you want to walk, jog or run, cycle, row, swim, or even take part in a quiz, there is something for everyone to get involved with to raise vital funds for Myton!


Take a look at what events are coming up here.


Or why not organise your own challenge or fundraising and let us know!

The Myton Hospices - Gift Aid Banner - Donate2


Gift Aid

Did we mention that today (8th October) is Gift Aid Awareness Day? No?! Well then…


Gift Aid means that for every £1 you donate we could receive an extra 25p, at no extra cost to you or us! If you’re a UK tax payer, all you need to do is tick the ‘Gift Aid’ box when you donate and we sort the rest.


Gift Aid is an important tax relief worth £1.3 billion to the charity sector. But it could be worth even more – £560 million more! So next time you donate or sponsor someone, make sure you Gift Aid it!

The Myton Hospices - Lottery Flex Slider - Warwick Coventry Rugby Leamington Spa Hospice


Enter our Weekly Lottery for just £1

Our lottery funds the care of 1 in 4 patients, and at a cost of just £1 a week to you, it’s a win-win situation!


We really rely on the regular income our lottery players provide and at this time it’s more critical than ever before! Plus you could be in with the chance of winning our weekly top prize of £1,500 or up to £10,000 in our rollover!


Sign up now here.


However you choose to support us, it means the world to all of us at Myton, our patients and their families – thank you!