This is the first time Abigail has boxed, but has thrown herself into training! We caught up with her ahead of the event which takes place at the Alan Higgs Centre in Coventry on Saturday 28th April!
How is your training going?
It’s going really well! It is tougher than I expected both mentally and physically, but I’m really enjoying it. I’m training six days a week!
I even took my boxing gloves on holiday with me to keep up with the training. All of us who are fighting have found boxing is just taking over our lives but we’re all really enjoying it.
I train with Aaron and Toby three times a week; we spend up to two hours each session and are working hard on sparring. Aaron and Toby have been training us all in their spare time, they have kitted us out with gloves, gum shields and face guards, and we have all invested in proper boxing boots too.
The closer to the fight we get you can see everyone really focussing harder and being even more motivated. I will continue boxing after the fight because I enjoy it so much.
Have you been punched in the face yet?
Yes I have! The first time it happened I realised how brutal it is to go through it. We train in two minute rounds and it was only after that round did I really realise what had happened. But once you get used to it and you become stronger for it; the adrenaline kicks in.
What is it like punching someone else?
That is harder than being punched in the face. I really struggled with it to start with, to the point that I was being told off for saying ‘sorry’ constantly!
The trainers had to coach me round to doing it. The best comparison I can draw is like when you stand at the edge of a diving board and there is something within you which stops you from jumping. Something is telling you not to punch someone in the face. The trainers have been really motivating and afterwards everyone has a good laugh about it all.
Are you looking forward to the event?
Yes, I’m excited! I’m expecting a large crowd because the event has sold out. A lot of my friends and family have tickets to come and cheer me on.
It’s definitely going to be entertaining – there are some great ‘walk on’ songs and the fights are going to show such a range of abilities. I know we’ll all be really nervous before we fight but the adrenaline will kick in once we’re in the ring.
A lot of the fighters, including myself, have personal connections to Myton and Toby, the trainer, lost his mum at Myton in December 2017.
How is your fundraising going?
I reached my target within the first week of having a JustGiving page! But I really want to double it now! I have never done anything like this before; any donations are very greatly received as it is for such a great cause!
What would you say to someone who is considering taking part in a future event?
Aaron and Toby will be organising similar events in the future, including a white collar boxing show in November.
I would say have a good think before committing yourself because it takes a lot of time and dedication, as well as physical and mental strength. It is hard but all of us who are fighting are really excited and raring to go and we have all become one big family – we have plans to get together and stay in touch after the event and I have definitely met some friends for life.
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone involved in the event!
From the fighters, family and friends who have supported and sponsored the fighters, local businesses who are supporting the event, and of course Aaron and Toby for organising it! We cannot wait to cheer everyone on!
How to sponsor Abigail...
To sponsor Abigail, please click here.