The Myton Hospices has launched a new Information Hub within our Rugby Church Street Charity Shop. This is the first Information Hub within one of our shops and is a key part of our crusade to reach people earlier in their illness.
We want to make it as easy as possible for people with a life-limiting illness to access information about the help available, right from the point of diagnosis. That’s why we’ve set up a space in our Rugby Church Street Shop, where people can find out about the services on offer including Rugby Myton Support Hub and Myton’s Wellbeing Service.
The space within the shop will be run by staff and volunteers, with someone available to talk to on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 12-3pm. Outside of these times the shop team are on hand to help and information is available for potential service users to take away.

The launch coincides with the one year anniversary of the opening of Rugby Myton Support Hub, which provides a range of activities for anyone aged 18 years and over who is living with or caring for someone with a life limiting illness.
To find out more visit the Myton Shop on Church Street in Rugby.
Find out more about Rugby Myton Support Hub
We are looking for volunteers to help run the Information Hub for a few hours a week.
Find out how you can volunteer at the Information Hub here
We are also looking for people to become Volunteer Drivers to help Myton provide patient transport throughout the Coventry and Warwickshire area to help people access life changing services.
Find out more about becoming a Volunteer Driver here
We are also excited to announce that we will be opening a new shop in The Rugby Central Shopping Centre selling Furniture, Electricals and will also include a Wedding Pop Up Shop within the store.
We are looking for volunteers for the new shop and are holding open days to find out more: Tuesday 16th May 9am-12 noon and Wednesday 24th May 2pm-4pm. We would love to see you!