Physiotherapy in palliative care aims to help improve or maintain your physical ability. It can help you to continue with your normal daily activities and maintain as much independence and quality of life as possible, for as long as possible.
How can Physiotherapy help me?
Physiotherapy can play an important role in helping you to manage your condition through a number of means, including:
- Assessment of mobility and balance, enabling safe and independent movement indoors and outdoors
- Tailored exercise programmes, to improve or maintain strength, endurance, mobility, balance and function
- Education on techniques to help manage breathlessness and associated anxiety
- Advice on falls prevention
- Provision of walking aids (sticks, walking frames, wheelchairs)
- Pain management
If the hospice team feels that Physiotherapy will be of benefit to you, this will be discussed with you. Alternatively, you can ask to be referred to the Physiotherapist at any time during your stay as an inpatient.
For more information, please call 01926 492 518 (ext. 207/278).
Read or download our Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Team leaflet...
To download a copy of our "Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Team" leaflet please click here.
If the hospice team feels that Physiotherapy will be of benefit to you, this will be discussed with you.