Verification of Expected Adult Death Training

Our Verification of Expected Adult Death course is aimed at staff who wish to develop knowledge and skills in recognising death and the process of verifying an expected adult death.

This verification of expected adult death training is suitable for registered healthcare professionals who need to understand the principles or to refresh knowledge of the verification of expected death process.

The content of the workshop will include:

  • Clarification of ‘expected death’
  • Legal and professional background
  • Coroners’ role
  • Verification procedure
  • After death care
  • Discussions regarding Covid Guidelines

The course provides a certificate of attendance only, an element of assessment will occur during the workshop. Completion of clinical competency assessment will be in your place of work and should be arranged through your manager, taking account of your own local policy and protocols relating to VoEAD.

Dates: Coming Soon

Cost per participant: £50

Location: Face to Face